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The Horus are a race of extraterrestrial lifeforms that inhabit the same universe as Ludo-Rathowm’s Continent.

Hailing from a distant planet referred to as the “mother star”, which has become a desolate uninhabitable wasteland due to the species’ high energy use, the horus travel the universe in search of planets to colonize. Horus colonies are generally made up of around 10,000 individuals and are led by a queen. There are a countless number of these colonies, and while they are required to maintain contact with each other, they are otherwise entirely independent, resulting in them having slight societal differences between one another. Upon landing on an inhabitable planet, a colony will swiftly attempt to conquer it through military force, enslaving any other intelligent life living on it in the process. Horus colonies require enormous amounts of energy in order to continue to function, causing them to deplete conquered planets of all of their resources in a number of years. While incredibly advanced and far-reaching across the universe, the horus are a terribly destructive and wasteful species that almost always bring ruin to wherever they go.


A typical male horus.

Horus resemble humanoid insects in appearance. They are roughly identical to Humans in terms of size and build, but are substantially lighter, with a healthy male horus weighing as little as 25 kg. In addition, horus bodies are covered by a thick exoskeleton which provides them with a natural armor that allows them a high amount of protection. The exoskeletons of male horus are light green in color while those of females are light red. Horus queens possess a unique white-colored exoskeleton that visually indicates both their rank and pedigree. Finally and perhaps most notably, horus possess a set of fin-like wings along their shoulders that allow them the ability to fly at great speeds. Overall, the horus are a naturally agile and flexible race.

Horus are born from crystalline eggs, which are laid in vast quantities, giving the species a very high reproductive rate. In addition, horus lifespans are quite long, with individual members of the species being easily capable of living for over a hundred years. Despite these long lifespans, most horus live relatively short lives due to their tendency to quickly deplete their homes of their resources to a point where they become uninhabitable. Certain subsections of the species, known as “the exhaustive ones”, make efforts to conserve energy as much as possible, allowing them to take better advantage of their extended lifespans. While the exact size of the horus population is unknown, it is speculated to easily be within the billions.


A hall of horus cryogenic chambers.

An extremely scientifically advanced race, the horus possess technology on a much higher scale than anything found on the Continent. These devices include spaceships capable of intergalactic travel that can house an entire horus colony comfortably, cryogenic freezing chambers that allow members of the species to enter an extended period of stasis during lengthy travels through outer space, and universal translators that allow for communication with all forms of intelligent life regardless of their language. In addition, the horus’ primary source of nutrition is an artificially synthesized food known as nectar, which is extremely high in nutrients and can be engineered to perfectly mimic the taste of any other foodstuff. While all horus are capable of operating this technology, only trained engineers are capable of constructing and repairing it, making them heavily depended on by the rest of their race. Despite their impressive technology, horus warriors are trained in comparatively mundane forms of combat, utilizing spears and relying on their natural speed to overcome their enemies.


Jhahlckas, a terrifying example of the death horus.

A rare mutation exists among horus genetics that occurs in about one in a million horus every 1000 years. Subjects of this mutation, nicknamed “death horus”, become significantly larger than average and gain an additional, much larger set of eyes above their ordinary ones. Their hands also completely change to become large three-pronged claws. Death horus are several time stronger than ordinary members of their species, and are comparable to Dark Lords in terms of sheer physical power. Along with their substantial physical differences, death horus’ minds are filled with an overwhelming killing intent that pushes them to ruthlessly slaughter other members of their species, making them highly dangerous. As death horus only begin to develop their distinct characteristics in adulthood, they are extremely difficult to locate before they become a threat to their species, and are generally only discovered after they have begun killing their own kind. While the reasons for this mutation are unknown, both horus scientists and the Holy Gal Monster Bezeleye speculate that it exists in order to control population levels.

Horus on the Continent

At some point early on in the AV Era, the horus colony vessel F-3Q45 crash-landed into the deadly tundras of Siberia located in the northernmost stretches of the Continent. Upon crashing, the horus were attacked by the Monster forces of Demon King Avel, who had become intrigued by the strange race. Due to the overwhelming power difference between the monsters and the horus, almost all of the horus colony was wiped out in this attack, leaving only the 1,000 horus still frozen in their cryogenic chambers inside of the ship and Meglass, an outstanding horus soldier whose resilience amused Avel enough to transform him into a Dark Lord as a practical joke, as survivors. With Meglass restricted to follow the will of the Demon King, the surviving horus remained in stasis for over 4,000 years completely undisturbed.

In the year LP0007, the crashed horus ship was entered by the human warrior Rance and his companions, who were in search of the Holy Gal Monster Serachrolas. After a strange series of events involving Rance and his allies freeing three horus guardsmen from their cryogenic sleep, getting frozen in a cryogenic chamber themselves for five months and defeating the death horus Jhahlckas, who was being kept aboard the ship as a prisoner, the surviving members of the colony, including its queen Terra Horus, were freed from their stasis. As a sign of thanks to Rance for freeing them, the horus agreed to cooperate in fighting against the monster army during the 2nd Dark Lord War which had erupted during the time while Rance and his companions were trapped in stasis.

During the war, the surviving horus struggled to repair their ship’s communication device, which had broken during the crash. Eventually, they succeeded in repairing the machine and carried out a distress call to another horus colony, which offered to assist in conquering the planet. Terra, who had become enamored with human culture, cut off the communication early without disclosing the colony’s coordinates, deciding to instead attempt to coexist alongside the people of the Continent. 15 years following the end of the war, the horus of colony F-3Q45 and their descendants have effectively integrated themselves as a human subspecies on the Continent, and happily live among the other races throughout it.

Kichikuou Rance

In the non-canonical Kichikuou Rance, the horus of the Continent mostly share their origins with the ones shown in canon, having crash-landed onto the world thousands of years in the past. Unlike their canonical portrayal, however, the surviving horus were not kept in stasis and instead steadily devolved into tribalism, losing all of their species' knowledge over time. Rather than be separated from his race, Meglass commands a group of horus warriors and is instead lonely because he has no way of communicating with the savage remnants of his original race.

The player is able to explore the crashed spaceship after conquering the neighboring nation of Helman, wherein they can battle several groups of horus warriors as well as acquire two capsule Kaiju, humongous monsters that can be stored in small capsules, presumably created by the horus, that assist their user in combat.

Known Horus

Former Horus

