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  • This page contains SPOILERS and you shouldn't look at it if you haven't played the game yet.



Recruitment: You have him from the start, and you never lose him.

See In-Game Stats

Events: As the main character, having him is required to trigger every event, so to speak.

Sill Plain

Kichikuou Rance Sill Plain

Recruitment: You start with her, but shortly lose her. To get her back, conquer Volgo Z before LP 4/1/3.

See In-Game Stats


  • Any time you talk to her while her unit has less than 50 troops, her unit size will increase by 50 troops.
  • There is a random H-scene with her as a start-of-turn event.
  • Has an H-scene in the S&M Tower
  • If you call Sill in the harem much more frequently than Lia, she will curse Sill, during which Sill will be removed from the harem and the subordinates list. To uncurse her you must see her events in the merchant screen, harem screen and commander screen (not necessarily in that order), then see another event in the merchant screen. Then bring her to Ho Laga or Earthy Julietta. Whatever Sill is equipped with when she gets cursed will be lost. While Sill is cursed, she can be sold to Purupet where she will be lost forever.
  • If Sill dies in battle, there is an event where Rance visits her grave.
  • Her happy ending is obtained by finishing the game with her alive and uncursed.
  • Her unhappy ending is obtained by not conquering Volgo Z in time.
  • If deployed with Rance, both Rance and Sill will get random buff along with "surging with power" bonus.

Bound Less


Recruitment: You start with him, but shortly lose him. To reobtain him, first reobtain Soul and call her in the harem twice. You'll then receive a letter from Bound as a random start-of-turn event. After that, visit the library until you get an event involving Maria, then visit the Thief`s Hideout.

See In-Game Stats


  • Must be recruited for Soul's happy ending.
  • He can be used to speak with Ho Laga.
  • Become stronger when deployed with Soul Less.

Soul Less



Conquer Volgo Z before LP 3/8/3.

See In-Game Stats


  • See Bound's events above.
  • After you obtain Bound, there will be a series of beginning of turn events where Soul gets a boyfriend. After that, she will be on her happy ending.
  • Her unhappy ending is obtained by not conquering Volgo Z in time.
  • Become stronger when deployed with Bound Less.

Leila Grecni


Recruitment: Obtained with Leazas Army.

See In-Game Stats


  • When JAPAN comes to you for negotiations, if you leave them to Lia, she will give Leila to Nobunaga to be his wife, and you will lose her forever. (Unhappy Ending)
  • You must lose her to obtain Julia Lindum.
  • The first time you call her in the harem, she will refuse to have sex with Rance, but you will obtain the option to call her guards in the harem. After you do so and talk to her Rance can have sex with her and get a CG.
  • Sortying her and Rick together enough times will cause them to get into a relationship which is Leila's happy ending. The events will only occur after Leila refuses to have sex with Rance.
  • After the above happens you can call her in the harem once and you will get a different CG than usual, and then wont be able to call her in the harem again, unless Rick dies. You will get a different CG after Rick dies as well.
  • Become stronger when deployed with Rick.

Barres Province


Recruitment: Obtained with Leazas Army

See In-Game Stats


  • Needed for Hauren's happy ending.
  • After calling Suzume twice in the Harem there is a beginning of turn event of Suzume talking to her father. Talk to Barres and then H Suzume again to get her good end.
  • Can be killed by Gekkou.
  • Become stronger when deployed with Haurein.

Rick Addison


Recruitment: Obtained with Leazas Army

See In-Game Stats


  • Needed for Leila's happy ending.
  • If Rick is dead, it's impossible to ally with Patton.
  • Can be killed by Gekkou.
  • He can be used to speak with Ho Laga.

Cordoba Burn


Recruitment: Obtained with Leazas Army

See In-Game Stats


  • Entirely tied to Fururu Burn's destiny. Fururu will be set on her happy ending after Cordoba is spoken to 3 times. If Cordoba dies any time after that, she will be placed on her unhappy ending.
  • Can be killed by Gekkou.

Kinkaid Brambra


Recruitment: Obtained with Leazas Army

See In-Game Stats


  • If you use him to attack Helman, there's a random event with a CG where you'll be given a choice whether or not to kill him. There is nothing to gain from killing him.

Menad Shisei


Recruitment: Obtained with Leazas Army

See In-Game Stats


  • After you've spoken to her once and called her in the harem once, you'll meet her boyfriend Zarak.
  • After you've met Zarak, an event will trigger after a battle in which Menad has less than 33% of her troops left. (must happen outside a dungeon) There will be another event after the next battle Menado participates in, regardless of her troop count in that battle. After that an event should randomly trigger where Rance speaks with Maris about dealing with Zarak, which will set Menado on her happy ending.
  • Rance cannot have sex with Menad in the harem until all of the above has occurred.
  • If these events are started but not finished by the creation phase then Menad will get her unhappy ending.

Asuka Cadmium


Recruitment: Obtained with Leazas Army

See In-Game Stats


  • If you field her with Mill, she will stop being a commander until 6 start of turn events occur, after which she will come back with a "bomb" special attack. The special attack is not very strong and you cannot turn Mill into her adult form while this occurs.

Hauren Province


Recruitment: Defeat her while fighting the Leazas Rebel Army.

See In-Game Stats


  • If she reaches Level 4 while sortied with Barres, she will obtain her happy ending.
  • If you call her in the harem after the S&M tower is completed, the next time you talk to her in the commander screen, she will leave your army and obtain her unhappy ending. She will leave even if you have already obtained her happy ending.
  • She is needed for the Library Ghost's good ending.

Melfeis Promenade


Recruitment: Defeat her while fighting the Leazas Rebel Army, then choose to have sex with her.

See In-Game Stats


  • If you don't call Melfeis to the harem in 2 months, she will die. (Unhappy Ending)
  • If you take her to the Uncurse Spring at the bottom of the Uncurse Dungeon, she will no longer need to be called to the harem, but will lose a point in magic power. (Happy Ending)
    • You will also no longer be able to H her after uncursing as she gets married.
  • Become stronger when deployed with Ex.

Ex Banquet


Recruitment: After defeating the rebel army, choose to make him your subordinate, to which he will refuse. Then if you fail to defend Leazas Castle anytime after LP 3/6/1, he will defend it for you and then join you. An easy way to have the castle attacked is to take Mars by force, after which Great King Mars will begin attacking the castle.

See In-Game Stats


  • He can be used to speak with Ho Laga.
  • Can be killed by Gekkou.

Gengorou Shinoda


Recruitment: Conquer Hanna through negotiation. If you have Sayori Unga (obtained by conquering M-Land through negotiation) and have already visited Shinoda's House in Hanna at least once, visiting his house will give you the option to offer Sayori to him as his wife. If you do, he will join you, and Sayori will leave the harem.

See In-Game Stats


  • Can be killed by Gekkou.

Maria Custard


Recruitment: Conquer Custom.

See In-Game Stats


  • Talk to her and call her in the harem, in another turn call her in the harem first then talk to her and then the Maria Research Building becomes available to build (don't forget, it costs 98000K gold!).
  • Visiting the Maria Research Building 5 times will strengthen her troops' attack by 2 points.
  • Visiting 9 times will cause the C2 Goriate to be created and placed in North.
  • Visiting 10 times will start the development of a high-speed breeder reactor. After visiting 12 times it will explode in a beginning of turn event, and if you haven't built a hospital Maria will die and get her unhappy ending. If she survives, visit her in the hospital twice and she will be discharged in a beginning of turn event. Call her in the harem for a new CG. Whatever she is equipped with when she is sent to the hospital will be lost.
    • If you use the peephole after Maria tells you that she has started working on the high speed reactor, Rance will overhear from the assistants that the reactor is dangerous. The next time you talk to Maria, you will have only one option to tell Maria to stop working on the reactor (it's a popup menu with only one option)
  • Anytime after you've  visited the Maria Research Building 4 times, there's a random chance that Maria will mention her research on the Tulip Type 100 and ask if you want to see it. If you choose to look at it, you will get a game ending and Maria's happy ending.

Shizuka Masou


Recruitment: Conquer Custom.

See In-Game Stats


  • While you're at war with Zeth, an event will trigger where Nagi calls Shizuka for a duel. If you have Sill as a commander, Rance will interrupt the duel. If you don't, Shizuka will be captured and killed, which leads to her unhappy ending (and a CG). If you want to get a CG with Anisu this is needed.
  • If you take Nagi's Tower while using Shizuka, you'll get the option between keeping her or recruiting Nagi. If you keep Shizuka, it will become possible to call her in the harem. If you call her 4 times and Maria is still alive she will get her happy ending and leave your army and harem.

Patton Misnarge


Recruitment: Ally with Patton Army (despite Rick saying that he will arrange an Audience, Rick will not do so until you choose to attack one of Patton's territories). Has a bomb skill called "Chaotic War Dance" but the enemy can counter attack with 20% of its troops and attack Patton directly. This is most useful in dungeons with small field sizes as it allows Patton to deal a lot of damage to large enemy units. However, care should be taken that Patton not take too much damage from counter attacks using this skill.

See In-Game Stats


  • He will leave if Hunty dies.
  • Become stronger when deployed with Hunty.

Hunty Kalar


Recruitment: Ally with Patton Army (despite Rick saying that he will arrange an Audience, Rick will not do so until you choose to attack one of Patton's territories). She's pretty much the best mage in the game, although her troops are very expensive.

See In-Game Stats


  • As long as Patton is alive, she will obtain her happy ending. This is true no matter what, so she will get her happy ending even if you end the game before ever seeing her.
  • If Patton dies, she will leave your army and get her unhappy ending.
  • Become stronger when deployed with Patton.

Freak Paraffin


Recruitment: Ally with Patton Army (despite Rick saying that he will arrange an Audience, Rick will not do so until you choose to attack one of Patton's territories).

See In-Game Stats


  • Tied to Rona Kestina`s destiny.
  • Use Freak in a battle with Redeye and have them fight twice. you will then get a beginning of turn event (may take several turns) where Freak leaves your army. After several more turns, Freak will control Toushin Omega and intercept Redeye the next time he attacks doing considerable damage to him
  • After that, you are given a choice to save Rona Kestina. Saving her will lead to her happy ending, choosing to kill and distress will cause a soldier to kill Rona for Rance and Redeye. After having saved her, if you lose a battle to Redeye, she will kill herself to kill Redeye.
    • Note : It is advisable to use Miki to intercept Redeye constantly to try and nuke Redeye's 3 monster units away or you will not be able to get past them to attack Redeye even after Freak damages Redeye.
  • If you kill Redeye without doing any of the above events, Rona will get her unhappy ending.
  • Become stronger when deployed with Patton.

Hubert Lipton


Recruitment: Ally with Patton Army (despite Rick saying that he will arrange an Audience, Rick will not do so until you choose to attack one of Patton's territories). Has a unique weapon.

See In-Game Stats


  • If you've successfully used Freya in combat 5 times, his experience will go up by 100 after a beginning of turn event. Freya will sometimes show up in combat when Hubert attacks normally.
  • He can be used to speak with Ho Laga.
  • Become stronger when deployed with Patton.

Lelyukov Berkov



  1. Conquer Log B without defeating Lelyukov. This can be done by defeating another unit which causes the whole army to retreat. This is not possible if attacking through the mountain pass as the First Army will not retreat and will fight to the death.

    It is still possible to recruit Lelyukov if attacking through the mountain pass, but it requires you to have Kaijuu Prince (which has a very low chance of joining every turn, although you can reload to try again). Give Kaijuu Prince the charge horn and attack Log B. The defending units should not contain Lelyukov, and Kaijuu Prince has high enough stats to kill all 4 defending units in the time limit, allowing you to capture Log B without defeating Lelyukov. Keep in mind that archers will take counter attack damage if they are attacking a front row unit from the front row.

    Note:  It is possible to get through Log B using Barres.  At full strength leveled up it still may take several reloaded tries to win.
  2. The turn after conquering Log B, do NOT attack Archgrad.
  3. Anytime after that turn, defeat Lelyukov in battle and choose to imprison him. Lelukov has extremely high stats when defending, using Miki or magic units to wear him down is a good idea.
  4. Levy in Archgrad to add Amiran to the harem. You do not need to H her in the Harem.
  5. Visit Lelyukov in the dungeon and he will join you.

See In-Game Stats

Events: In order to get his daugher Amirans happy end, you must NOT attack Archgrad during the wedding, then defeat him and release him. After Helman is defeated (including the cities that rebel after you take Lang Bau), you will see Amiran's happy end as a start of turn event. Defeating Lelyukov before you see the Archgrad events also prevents you from obtaining Amiran and recruiting him.

Elenoa Ran


Recruitment: Conquer Custom.

See In-Game Stats


  • If you call her in the harem twice, you'll get a CG from talking to her, after which you can't H her any more.
    • If you do not talk to her, there is a chance that she will kill herself in a beginning of turn event after that.
  • She gets her happy ending by never calling her in the harem at all.
  • Can be killed by Gekkou.

Milli Yorks


Recruitment: Conquer Custom

See In-Game Stats


  • After some time passes, Milli will catch a disease called genfluenza, and if you don't have the hospital when it happens she will die immediately. If you do, she will be sent to the hospital, and if you haven't treated her in 20 turns she will die and get her unhappy ending. Note that this will only occur if Mill does not have an adult body.
  • After having met with Milli in the hospital, visit Earthy Julieta (the girl who resembles Little Red Riding Hood) in the Isolated Shrine Island north of Leazus (the path opens on the first week of every month). For the latter you will need to bribe her with sweets which can be obtained by instituting a levy in most cities (it spawns at random apparently).
    • I was not able to ask Ho Raga about Milli's cure for some reason, it may not be possible to ask him about it.
  • Subsequently send Rance to the 33rd floor of the Holy Gal's Dungeon to meet with Wenlina. It is located in eastern Zeth next to Italia. After you've met her with Rance, you can send Milli to her to be cured. Simply go back to the 33rd floor of the dungeon with Rance to achieve this (Happy Ending).
    • Note that Wenlina will not appear unless you have asked the seer about a cure for genfluenza.
  • It's possible to meet with Cell and get medication for Milli that will extend her lifespan by another 20 turns. Cell is the nun living in the city Red (part of the Free Cities) and is the caretaker of Chaos.
  • During the war with the demons it's possible that Milli will get kidnaped by Medusa. There will be a end of turn event warning where Medusa complains that she is bored and goes to a picnic with her butler.
  • After getting Sill, calling Milli in the harem (after the Orgasmic Men scene) gets you a different CG and only 1 XP.
  • Become stronger when deployed with Mill Yorks.

Mill Yorks


Recruitment: Conquer Custom.

See In-Game Stats


  • After an event between Mill and Merim, bring both of them to the second-to-last floor of the Uncurse Dungeon and enter the spring there. Mill will become an adult and gain +2 HP, +230 troops, become possible to call in the harem and obtain her happy ending. This event can't occur after Asuka starts pestering Mill about her phantom beasts or while Milli is in the hospital.
  • If you talk to Mill at least once and then never change her into an adult, she will get her unhappy ending.
  • +50 phantom beasts every level up, does not stack with popularity staff
  • Become stronger when deployed with Milli Yorks.

Great King Mars


Recruitment: Conquer Mars through negotiation.

See In-Game Stats


  • There is a random chance that he will target and abduct one of your female commanders in a beginning of turn event if you recruit him.
    • You will get a beginning of turn event warning you which woman he is targetting before they get kidnapped. After that, there is a random chance that the woman he targets will dissapear in a beginning of turn event. There is no CG and no way for Rance to find out what happened to the woman.He can also get all of generic girls at once from special room,if he target them.When he kidnapped enough women he will leave the army.
    • It really is not recommended to recruit him, unless you do it to deliverately get him killed as soon as possible. It makes conquering mars easier.
  • If you conquer Mars by force, Great King Mars will start attacking Leazas Castle directly every turn with 32,000 zombies. You can either kill him normally or enter his palace in Mars with Merim to kill him. As the zombies are very weak, this can be used to easily farm XP and, if you let Ex go, it serves as a great opportunity to recruit him.
  • If you conquer Mars by negotiation, you can send Mars to battle to kill him off without having to battle his army.

Isoroku Yamamoto


Recruitment: Defeat her while fighting JAPAN. Must be done before conquering Osaka.

See In-Game Stats


  • Any time after calling her in the harem twice there's a small chance every time you call her that she will be impregnated. You must have the hospital. You can't have sex with her while she's pregnant. After enough time has passed for her child to be born she will obtain her happy ending.
    • You need to talk to her in the commander screen for her to tell you she is pregnant.
    • You also need to wait until his child is born before ending the game to get her happy ending.
  • Isoroku's child being born is also necessary for Kouhime's happy ending.
  • If she is killed by Medusa she will get her unhappy ending. This is a random event when you are at war with the monsters. If this happens it's better to load to avoid it since it's a random event, unless you are aiming to get all cgs and/or all endings.
  • Her special attack, Whirlwind Shot, will always do 1 damage to the enemy commander.

Cream Ganoblade


Recruitment: Defeat her in battle while fighting Helman, and choose to make her your subordinate. Note that if you fight her and Nero's unit 3 times without either killing Nero or capturing her, she will die and get her unhappy ending. There is a CG for this.

See In-Game Stats


  • If you don't field her in 2 months, she will leave you.
  • If her strategy skill triggers 11 times, she will get her happy ending.



Recruitment: Joins when Miki and Kentarou start staying in Leazas Castle.

See In-Game Stats


  • Satella will refuse to fight against anything but demons (or other certain beings that can also damage demons).
  • After talking to her twice Rance can duel her, and if he wins you can call her in the harem.
  • After killing Kesselrink and him reviving, if you talk to Satella she will tell you the secret to killing Kesselrink.
  • After you've called Satella in the harem enough times, if you don't have Sill and do have Chaos, you can talk to Satella and choose to kill Miki to become the demon king. This leads to a game over and Satella's happy ending.
  • If you send Satella out in a defensive battle against Demon King Kayblis, she will be forced to betray you. A later event will give her her unhappy ending.



Recruitment: Joins when Miki and Kentarou start staying in Leazas Castle.

See In-Game Stats


  • Megallas will refuse to fight against anything but demons (or other certain beings that can also damage demons).
  • He will betray you if he's used in a defensive battle against Demon King Kayblis.
  • After killing Kesselrink and him reviving, if you talk to Megallas he will tell you the secret to killing Kesselrink.

Kentarou Ogawa


Recruitment: Joins when Chaos is obtained.

See In-Game Stats


  • As long as he's alive Miki will get her happy ending.
  • If you meet with him enough times, Rance will teach him the Rance Attack.
    • Once you get the conversation where Rance uses Rance attack on Kentarou, Kentarou may gain Rance Attack. There is no confirmation nor any changes to Kentarou's stat screen to indicate that he has gained it, you will need to wait in battle to see it available or until you stop seeing the rance attack conversation.
    • Recommended to do so since his Rance Attack(aka Kentarou-kun Slash in other rance games) is very useful against demons.
  • He can be used to speak with Ho Raga.
  • Become stronger when deployed with Miki.

Miki Kurusu


Recruitment: Joins when Chaos is obtained.

See In-Game Stats


  • When Miki and Kentarou first approach you, if you choose to try and rape Miki, some turns later you will get a game over and Miki's unhappy ending.
  • If she is fielded against a PG unit, she will be captured, and Kayblis will kill her and become the Demon King. Don't let that happen, just don't.
  • If Kentarou dies or she isn't holding a Hirami Lemon when she needs one, she will leave (along with Kentarou, Satella and Megalass if they are still alive). There is a CG for the warning event the turn before she leaves if she runs out of Hirami Lemons.
  • Miki will come with a Hirami Lemon and consume it after some time, at which point you should get a new one. Hirami Lemons can be bought from Purupet, or if you've conquered far enough into Helman there's a tree on a mountain that you can search for free Hirami Lemons. If Sill is still alive, there is a CG for going on a picnic to the tree. You can only search for Hirami Lemons if Miki isn't holding one.
  • If you create the love potion at the Magic Research Building and talk to Miki, Rance will attempt to rape her when you talk to her in the commander screen. This results in a CG but no game over.
  • Note that Miki is practically unkillable, even though demons and angels can hurt her. If you do somehow get her killed, Kentarou and other characters have no reaction to her death, you can still access the demon king's room and see her alive, and she is still alive in all scenes from then on (such as the end game scene at the demon king's castle).
  • Become stronger when deployed with Kentarou.

Julia Lindum


Recruitment: Leila dies or is given to Nobunaga.

See In-Game Stats


  • To call her in the harem, you must have raised her maximum troop count to 400 or more.
  • If you send her to meet the Hanny King, he can greatly improve her stats, which will set her on her happy ending. If you then send Rance to meet the Hanny King, you can offer Julia as his pet to get him to join, which will cause you to lose Julia and set her on her unhappy ending.
    • It is best not to have Leila killed or given away until you reach the bottom floor of the Haniwa Temple, as it is one of the hardest dungeons in the game and Leila is one of the few decent dungeon commanders in the game.
  • If she dies or is given to the Hanny King, Abatoul will join you and close the Girl Officer School, making Rafelia and Alcott unobtainable.

Rafalia Musca


Recruitment: Build the Girl Officer School, then visit and meet with Rafelia until you're given the option to make her enter military service as soon as possible. She will join 1 month after making that choice. If you don't recruit her then, you will have to wait until after the final exam event and recruit her then (with a choice between her and Arlcoate).

See In-Game Stats


  • If you recruit Rafelia before the final exam, you will not be able to get Arlcoate.
  • If you recruit Rafelia after the final exam, you will be able to recruit Arlcoate after 20 turns have passed.
  • If you've recruited her, she gets her happy ending. If you've recruited Arlcoate and not her, she gets her unhappy ending.

Arlcoate Marius


Recruitment: Choose her over Rafelia after the Girl Officer School's final exam event. You will be able to recruit Rafelia after 20 turns have passed.

See In-Game Stats


  • If you speak to her 4 times before calling her in the harem her Strategy chance will raise to 80%,when you do call her in the harem later she will get her happy ending. If you call her in the harem before speaking to her first she will get her unhappy ending and her stats will drop, making her useless for battles.
  • Become stronger when deployed with Rance.

Aviator Sukatto


Recruitment: Julia dies or is given to the Hanny King.

See In-Game Stats


  • If she joins, she will close the Girl Officer School, making Rafelia and Alcott unobtainable if you haven't gotten them yet.
  • If Rafelia and Alcott both join, she will get her happy ending.
  • If she has less than 200 troops, a start-of-turn event will trigger that will give her her unhappy ending.

Ragnarokarc Super Gandhi


Recruitment: After a start-of-turn event of him, Kaoru and Wichita visiting Zeo, collect a levy in Zeo, then Red, then Lazeal. After that a rebellion will start in Poor as a start of turn event. Choose to suppress it and Gandhi will join you.

See In-Game Stats


  • He will refuse to fight against Zeth until after the Flash goes off.
  • After the Flash event, if you have him then an event will occur that let's you attack Zeth's towers.
  • In order to get Kaoru and Wichita's happy ends, you must not recruit him before the first Flash goes off. This will also make Chizuko, Papaya, Magic and Annis unavailable. There are no special events or CGs if you fail to recruit Gandhi before the Flash goes off.
  • After calling Kaoru once in the harem, Gandhi will offer Kaoru to be a ninja in a beginning of turn event. After calling Wichita twice in the harem, she will also offer to be a ninja.
  • If you execute Gandhi after the Flash goes off, both Wichita and Kaoru will be killed by the guards while trying to assassinate Rance in a beginning of turn event (no CG).
  • If Gandhi dies, both Wichita and Kaoru will leave next turn in a beginning of turn event.

Chizuko Yamada


Recruitment: Conquer Chizuko's Tower with Gandhi sortied.

See In-Game Stats


  • If you conquer her tower without either ever having recruited Gandhi, or having killed him after the first Flash goes off, she will die and get her unhappy ending.
  • If you call her in the harem she will get her happy ending.
  • Has a scene in the S&M Dungeon
  • Become stronger when deployed with Super Gandhi.

Magic the Gandhi



Gandhi should be in your army.

  • Defeat Alex Vals in Old Zeth.
    • If you don't defeat Alex at Old Zeth, he will defend Magic's Tower to the death and Magic will kill herself after the battle.
  • Attack Magic's Tower and fail to conquer it at least once. She will then summon the devil Xacalite.
  • After conquering the tower, enter it then leave.
  • Visit Ho Raga or Earthy Julietta and ask how to cancel devil contracts.
  • Enter Magic's Tower again, then choose to use the Foreclosure Charm.
    • If Gandhi is not alive, Magic will blow herself up after the contract is foreclosed.

See In-Game Stats


  • Before saving Magic, Xacalite will attack you every turn until he's killed 800 of your troops, after which Magic will die and get her unhappy ending. There is no CG for this.
  • If you conquer Tearing Forest using Magic after talking to her at least once, she will get her happy ending after finding Alex there.

Nagi su Ragarl


Recruitment: Conquer Nagi's Tower with Shizuka sortied, then choose her over Shizuka.

See In-Game Stats


  • She is automatically set on her happy ending if you recruit her.
  • If you choose Shizuka over her, after about 20 turns have passed she'll turn up at Kesselrink's Castle and become one of his maids. If you conquer Kesselrink's Castle before that happens, she will get her unhappy ending.
  • You must speak to her at least once before you can call her in the harem.




  1. Let Galtia conquer two of your territories, then you'll get the option to leave poison food in a territory. Let Galtia conquer two more territories that have poison food in them.
  2. Martina Curry will offer her assistance if you've previously beaten her in a cooking contest. You have to beat her in the cooking contest before the events where Garutia attacks territories happen.
  3. Let Galtia conquer one more of your territories.

See In-Game Stats


  • Recruiting him gives Martina Curry her happy ending.
  • As long as he's recruited you need to pay 4500K gold a turn as his food expenses(not really worth it for combat but he's a nice guy).
  • He will betray you if he's used in a defensive battle against Demon King Kayblis.

Saizel Sisters



  1. After conquering Kayblis's Castle, find La Hawzel in the dungeon there
  2. Use Rance to descend 30 floors in a dungeon in the mountains between Helman and Leazas. (It is in between of Log A and Scale, on the road. Pretty hard to find, click around there a lot). After rescuing La Hawzel with Rance, they will randomly join as a start-of-turn event some time after that. This is a low-priority event, so might take a while.

See In-Game Stats


  • If you don't capture either of them some time after war with Kayblis begins, they may randomly combine into La Vaswald as a start-of-turn event, she also kills Medusa if she's still alive in said event. La Vaswald will start attacking you as part of Kayblis's Army. (Unhappy Ending).
  • Recruiting them gives them their happy ending.
  • They can be deployed against demon king Kayblis(for some reason) but are not really useful

Aristoles Calm


Recruitment: Conquer Helman without interacting with Patton's army, putting you at war with them. Then wait until an event where Convert comes to Leazas Castle and choose to hear him out. He'll join some time later. You must not kill Patton before he joins.

See In-Game Stats


  • Recruiting him is necessary to get Sheila Helman's happy ending.
  • Needed to recruit Rolex.



Recruitment: Visit the AL Church and he will randomly join, if you've already gotten Elizabeth Deth.

See In-Game Stats


  • His initial troop maximum is increased by 120 for each of Barres, Rick, Cordoba, Kinkaid, Menad and Asuka that you don't have. This includes when Asuka is temporarily away for her special events.
  • He will leave you if you attack the AL Church and fail to conquer it in one turn.

Cafe Artul



  • Visit Ho Laga with Rance or Kentarou and ask about the past
  • .Visit British in the Thief Cave next to Leazas Castle and obtain his gold statue.
  • Find Lady's group, which appears randomly, usually in Helman territories but possibly elsewhere. After you've visited them twice, Lady will talk to Chaos. Ask for her to give you her gold statue, which she will refuse.
    • You must have Chaos or the conversation will not trigger. Nikkou has no special reaction to Cafe.
  • Visit a third time and tell Lady that you will return her body to normal in exchange for the statue, then take her to the Uncurse Spring at the bottom of the Uncurse Dungeon. She will then join you as well as give you her statue. You can do this even if you have explored a dungeon that turn.

See In-Game Stats


  • If you take Lady by force, she will be placed in your prison and it will become impossible to recruit her. You will instead recruit a Carfeknight, which is like Cafe's unit but without any of the commander attributes. (Unhappy Ending)
  • Returning her to normal gets you her happy ending.
  • Replinishes troops faster than most other units.

Somita Kalar


Recruitment: Send Rance to the Kalar Forest.

See In-Game Stats


  • After a certain amount of time Somita will become either an angel or a devil. When she does she will leave you.  Becoming an angel is her happy ending and becoming a devil is her unhappy ending. If you use her in 5 or more fights, she will become a devil, otherwise she will become an angel. If she becomes an angel after you talk to her, you get a CG. There is no CG for having her turn into a devil, or if you fail to talk to her before she turns into an angel.

Rolex Gadras


Recruitment: Fight and capture both Katyusha and Saulina from his army. Then recruit Aristoles as a commander and collect a levy in Sudori 10. Do not kill him in battle before this. He will defend Sudori 10 to the death, so you need to attack Helman from Shangri-La to avoid killing him before reaching the capital.

His special attack is extremely effective against large number of enemies, dealing half damage of the current troops (if enemy have 5000 troops, it will deal 2500 troops damage) and dealing 2 damage to enemy commanders. Rolex's unit will take counter attack damage from this skill (full enemy troop size up to the field limit).

See In-Game Stats

Events: None.

Hanny King



  1. Collect a levy in Lazeal to get the Aluminium Axe, then send someone equipped with it to Titi Lake, where they will drop it. Say that
    you dropped an Aluminium Axe.
  2. Get to the 66th floor, where you will find the Hanny King.
  3. Send Julia to the Hanny King where he will improve her into Super Julia.
    4. Send Rance to the Hanny King where he will now be able to ask the Hanny King to become a subordinate, in exchange for Julia.

See In-Game Stats


  • He is mutually exclusive with the Kaijuu Prince. Even if the Kaijuu Prince dies afterwards, you will still not be able to recruit him.
  • He is essentially indestructable and extremely powerful, but costs 30000K gold every time you want to use him.

Kaiju Prince


Recruitment: Release House nurse from Shangri La before going to war with Helman or Zeth. Releasing Housenurse after declaring war with Helman or Zeth will not cause him to join. Every turn, there is a very low chance that he will join in a beginning of turn event, it can often take a year or so for him to join. Will not join if you have recruited the Hanny King.

See In-Game Stats

Events: None

Louis Quitowack


Recruitment: Hire from Pluepet.

See In-Game Stats


  • He can be recruited with different numbers of troops depending on how much you pay.
  • After being used once, he will leave and you will have to recruit him again.

Cecil Carna


Recruitment: Hire from Pluepet.

See In-Game Stats


  • She can be recruited with different numbers of troops depending on how much you pay.
  • After being used once, she will leave and you will have to recruit her again.
  • Become stronger when deployed with Milli Yorks.