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Rance 10 - banner
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Game mechanics
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Character Cards & Skills
CG list
Quest List
Boss Walkthrough
Part 2
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Important Deadlines (by the end of Turn)

  • Ruberan and Merim Tser are killed by Babolat = Turn 3
  • Free City falls = Turn 5
    • Counter by Defeat Rei or add Military Gain during Turn 5-7
  • Alex gets killed = Turn 5
  • Miki gets killed by Kayblis = Turn 6
    • Counter by Finding Miki
  • Shangri-La is Conquered by Monster Army = Turn 7
    • Counter by Conquer Shangri-La
  • Tolstoy dies (Helman 2nd army commander) = Turn 7
  • Cordoba dies = Turn 6
    • Counter by not defeat any Dark Lord or add Military Gain.
  • Saving Hornet = Turn 7 (Turn 8 if on Route A)
  • Papaya and Nelson die = Turn 9 with Medusa still alive
  • Warg > Silky/La Hawzel > Satella get killed (Satella just disabled) = 30% Casualty
  • The Truth of God/Hero's Fulfillment endings = 50% Casualty before Turn 11 depending on Rance's current base.
  • Miki gets killed by Kayblis = End of Turn 14

Route Branches on Turn 8

  • Floating Castle (Route A)
    • None of the countries fall
    • Conquered Shangri-La
    • Win against Red Eye on Turn 8
  • Cliff Fort
    • None of the countries fall
    • Didn't conquer Shangri-La
    • Conquered Shangri-La but lost against Red Eye
    • 1 of the countries falls


Floating Castle

  • From the Sea (海から) (Ending A)
    • Choose 'Ship' path during 1st Extermination Mission in Free City. 'Tank' path also works; but requires doing Base Phase mission ランス船団 and picking 2nd choice between Turns 8 and 11.
    • Invade Monster World through sea on Turn 12
    • Be sure to pick the second operation phase quest instead of the first on turn 13.
  • From the Sky (空から) (Ending A)
    • 2つの厄災 quest, pick Toppos route and follow the game
  • Breakthrough (強行突破) (Ending A)
    • Kayblis retrieved Kamilla by not saving Zeth by Turn 5
    • Rescue Hornet (when entering the castle you have to defeat all 4 of the enemies in max 7 rounds in total - suggestion: 1st enemy 1st round kill, the rest 3 enemies 2 rounds kill each)
    • 強行突破 Quest on Turn 10 only, you will fight all 2nd Majin if they aren't killed yet
  • Great Invasion of the Monster World (魔物界大侵攻) (Ending A)
    • Invade by the end of Turn 14
    • All 4 countries liberated
    • 1.000.000 troops (100万) across the map (there is a quest that give you 200.000 / phase as soon as you entered this Ending route)
    • Failed to meet these requirements will lead you towards Demon King Kayblis
  • I've defeated the Demon King though (魔王を倒したが) (Ending B)
    • Kill Demon King Kayblis at turn 6 if didn't find Miki; or
    • Kill Demon King Kayblis at turn 15 without achieving another ending's requirements
  • Defeat (敗北) (Ending C)
    • Multiple ways to get this ending:
    • Select the wrong location to invade during "From Sea" route during a turn 13 quest.
    • Retire from the "From Sea" route final quest

Cliff Fort

  • The Truth of God (神の真実) (Ending B)
    • 50% casualty
  • Underground Strategy (地底大作戦) (Ending B)
    • Keep playing and do important mission with Poppins and Cream
    • Assuming you do all of the Poppins related missions, the soonest you can achieve this ending is turn 12.


  • Time Capsule (タイムカプセル) (Ending B)
    • Do Siberia (Helman) mission when Kayblis comes to invade on turn 11
  • Demon King Miki (魔王美樹) (Ending B)
    • Intercept Kayblis invasion and kill him.
  • Hero's Fulfillment (勇者の成就) (Ending C)
    • 50% Casualty


  • Demon King from Another World (異界の魔王) (Ending B)
    • Miracle's Operation Mission, Steel Horror
  • The Collapse of Humanity (人類滅亡) (Ending C)
    • 4 countries get annihilated, not doing anything since the beginning of the game
    • You know if you got this if there is no battle with Demon King Kayblis
  • Demon King Kayblis (魔王ケイブリス) (Ending C)
    • Failed to kill Demon King Kayblis at turn 6 if didn't find Miki; or
    • Failed to kill Demon King Kayblis at turn 15 without achieving another ending's requirements

How to Unlock Part 2

  • Rescue Hornet
  • Liberate all countries
  • Defeat Kayblis on any Ending A
  • Go to Soul Administration through Poppins Tunnel mission
  • Don't let Crook use her pope wish by getting Wenlina by the time Arios come to kill you (Turn 8 at the earliest)
    • How to get Wenlina: Do Base Mission about 4 Holy Gal Monsters (might not needed *unconfirmed*) and do Preparation Mission on Leazas about finding Holy Gal Monster (NOT Chaos mission)
    • You can get Wenlina from ??? event in any mission if you are lucky
    • Very important: don't have sex with Wenlina because if you do, Wenlina will lose her power so she can't revive you when you get killed by Arios
    • It's possible to avoid the event where Arios kills you and get the achievement without getting Wenlina, but it's unlikely.
  • Can be done through multiple playthrough as long as it ends on an Ending A
  • Note: Doing Breakthrough end will net you 3 of the required achievement ( 5 if you did Poppins and Have Wenlina/Didn't get Arios'd )

CP (Clear Point) Tips

You get 1 CP everytime you get a different Ending. It is advisable to collect as much CP as possible (at least 2 after your first run) before starting a New Game+ as CP gives you huge bonus.

Bonus that you should prioritize is 

  1. Two of "New cards get (+5) Star level upon acquiring" since it gives you massive boost to your overall party strength
  2. "Army Rank +1". Two of them should be enough since you will naturally increase your Army Rank along the way anyway and the more Army Rank you have, the usefulness will diminish since you will eventually run out of useful bonus to get
  3. As much "Battle EXP +50%" bonus as you want 
  4. Leftover "Army Rank +1" and "Battle EXP +50%"
  5. EXP gives you +1 Star level = trash. It's arguably useful for the end game, but you should be leveled up sufficiently by that point anyways.

And "All cards available" for card collection purpose whenever you feel like using it. Generally speaking, the new cards are more likely to be overpowered than useless, but there's still a good degree of luck involved. Note that the type of cards that are unlocked are based off what you have accomplished on previous runs.

Make sure to make a save file every Turn (or even better every Phase), so you can reload to any of them and progress to different Endings

Easy Bad Endings to get (see Endings section for detail)

  • The Collapse of Humanity (人類滅亡)
  • Demon King Kayblis (魔王ケイブリス)
  • Hero's Fulfillment (勇者の成就)
  • The Truth of God (神の真実)
  • Defeat (敗北)

And any 1 of Floating Castle/Fort route Endings (2 for JAPAN) if you are doing well enough to see the end of the route

Gameplay Tips

  • Don't abandon any country, balance your Operation mission, don't do same country twice in a row.
    • Generally speaking, you want to kill the Dark Lord of the country with the greatest difference between monster and human troops and do the preparation mission for the country with the second greatest difference.
    • Operation mission difficulty from easiest to hardest = Leazas > Helman > Free City > Zeth.
    • But if killed 2 majin's for one turn = Zeth > Free City > Leazas > Helman
      • If you're doing multiple one turns in a row, it's best to do them from hardest to easiest so the initial boost from the new game plus bonuses can help you muscle your way through the harder one turns.
  • Flying can always be debuffed so close ranged characters can attack. If the flying character has an invincibility field, debuffs that do not deal damage will still remove the flying status. It's unlikely, but some flying characters may rebuff their flying status occasionally, so be careful.
  • Rank up as many cards as possible since their levels matter for your party strength. Notable levels include 10, 20, and 40, since those are when cards gain an extra star and have a dramatic increase in stats. Another notable level is 80, but that's only likely to be reached during hard mode.
  • All other things being equal, characters with variant cards will increase the overall stats of a faction more than those without whenever they level up.
  • Pay attention to elemental weakness, use cards that give you elemental advantage (it's on your map screen) and do all-out combo attack when the enemy shows elemental weakness for bonus damage
  • If you absolutely need to inflict a status condition or intercept an attack on the first turn of a battle, save scumming from a file right before the battle works. It does not work if you're trying to make sure a chest's contents are different however.
    • Many timed battles can be cheesed using an assassination character like Katyusha. Again, this can be save scummed.
  • Be sure to always get the 2nd Chaos sword in the preparation missions. The enemy after the general miniboss is never that hard, and in the worst case scenario, you can simply try to tank all of the damage until the turn limit is up.
  • Try to do the finding Miki and Shangri-la missions as soon as possible. The former gets you Kentarou, a very useful unit that can also break invincibility fields, and the latter will make it harder for the other countries to survive the longer you put it off.
    • During the Shangri-La mission make sure to pick the Shariela H route. She will join much later into the game and is an extremely useful character. This is especially important if you're aiming for an Ending A on a 0 CP playthrough.
    • On the other hand if you pick the option to bully Kaybnyan you will unlock them as supports and they will allow you to pick up to two red chests that will contain two unique weapons for Rance, the second chest requires having Merim alive
  • During the Pi-R extermination mission, there is a giant mechanical hand miniboss that only buffs itself with reinforcements and does not attack normally. After being debuffed 5 times with a character like Crane, it will stop trying to rebuff itself and will only heal when its HP reaches the halfway mark. If you are persistent enough, you can rank up all of your characters to level thirty using Willis or level 45 if you have the best version of her.
  • I've defeated the Demon King (魔王を倒したが) can be achieved by repeatedly leveling up characters without raising game difficulty by abandoning the quest right before the difficulty up square, then facing Demon King Kayblis on Turn 6 by not choosing to save Miki.
  • Requirements to H Miki:
    • defeat Warg on turn 9 and then recruit her in base phase
    • on turn 10 preparation phase
  • Bonus on a rare item when you turn off or turn on before fight, gives a different variation of awards
  • Always try to get as much exp as possible from any fight. Cumulative exp counts for meal tickets, so always aim for exp bonus from finishing within 3 turns and killing in one turn. Note that one turn kill doesn't require doing it on the first turn, you need to finish the same turn you started damaging opponent, you can use non-damaging skills like buffs or thieving or increase AP for a big combo on 3rd turn.
  • When fighting against dragons they can use breath attack that deals half of your hp damage. But their skill has a requirement - combo 3 or less, which means if you do at least 4 attacks the same turn you see them going for breath you will not take any damage at all. Some Leazas cards have attacks that add bonus to combo counter.

How to Get Notable Characters/Cards

  • La Saizel 
    • Defeat both La Saizel and La Hawzel together on 1st Leazas mission. You will get both characters and their (short-version) of  their H CG by doing their Base Event OR
    • Defeat La Hauzel alone and see two of La Saizel's ??? events on any mission on later Turns (10+). New Base Event will appear and you can get (long-version) of their H CG. Make sure the casualty is below 30%, so Arios won't come to kill her, preventing you from getting La Saizel's events
  • Nimitz Leek
    • In Leazas 2, be sure to defeat Atlanta and Juno within the 8 turn time limit.
  • Galtia
    • You need to defeat him in both consecutive food eating contests in Zeth 1.
    • This is easiest on turn 2 as the difficulty up squares affect the "HP" of the feast.
    • It's recommended to have at least 5 big eaters in your party. The usable ones are Kenshin, Biscutta, Kibako, Caloria, Desutora, Orime, Patton, Cordoba, and Terra (Horus Queen). They do "extra damage" to the feast. If you have less, you can grind up the ones you do have with the help of New Game plus bonuses to have a chance of winning.
  • (Female) Kesselring
    • Defeat Kesselring by one-turning Helman, collect every single one of her maids (8 of them) and do Base Event mission about reviving Kesselring OR
    • On Helman 2, go on the other route where you fight Kesselring early. OR
    • With New Game+ "all cards" bonus, his maids have extremely high drop rate since the beginning of the game. You can collect all of them and get Kesselring very early in the game
  • Warg
    • She will appear on random country on Turn 9 at the earliest only if you are doing very well with your game by one-turning at least 3 countries. 2nd game with 11 CP, she appeared for me on turn 9 when I one-turned only Leazas, the rest countries still have 1 Dark Lord, rescued Hornet on turn 8, active party members' rank is 50-59, total ATK and HP is 600-700k, so Warg appears by some other condition(s).
    • To fight Warg, only characters with at least 51 Star level can fight her. Every other characters below Star level of 51 will be unable to participate in fight, so be prepared.
    • Do her Base Event to officially get her card after that
    • Note that to get a special scene, you have to beat Warg by turn 9.
  • Pope Crook
    • Do her Base Event mission before doing AL Church Preparation phase mission (Turn 5)
  • Wenlina & Serachrolas
    • Preparation mission in Leazas (Wenlina) and Helman (Serachrolas)
    • Can also be gotten on a random ??? square. The chances of encountering one of the two seems to be higher if Bezeleye if in the party.
  • Adult form of Holy Gal Monsters
    • Have the child form of the gal monster in your party during a battle where the EXP received ends in a 7. Interestingly enough, this works even if the battle is a yellow monster battle, and the gal monster technically isn't in the fight. This can also be done even if you have had sex with the adult form during the play through.
  • Toshin Sigma
    • Do Helman's Operation mission that visits Toshin City ruin
  • Nude cards
    • Nude cards will only drop after obtaining their non-nude version
    • There is a rank requirement for a non-nude card you need to reach to have a chance at first time nude card drop. Most cards require rank 40 but some more difficult ones like Rizna, Miracle or Maris require rank 80. This is shown on rank up bonus screen as 全裸力ード 取得可能. Once you get the card it can drop on subsequent plays even at rank 0. There are few exceptions though, some nude cards have additional requirements and the system might be buggy (1.01 patch fixes some of the issues).
    • Base Event "裸・裸・裸” has a chest with only naked cards although the card pool variation that you can get seems to be quite low. However this quest has a very low priority and will not show up if all 9 quest slots are filled with other base quests.
    • (unconfirmed)The chances of finding a nude card may be affected by how many ticket scenes you have unlocked for a character
    • (unconfirmed)Some cards can only be dropped after watching their food ticket scenes
      • 2nd scene
        • Sarutoan (サルトアン)
      • 3rd scene
        • (Female) Kesselring
        • Parsley
  • Gandhi, Kaoru, Wichita
    • Defeat Galtia by Eating Contest or Fair fight full spec, and continue to defeat Medusa.
    • They may drop randomly before this, but they will become unusable if you start Zeth 2.

How to Get Missable CGs

  • Agireda : One meal ticket to her, and base event of her will be appeared.
  • La Saizel and La Hawsel 3P Full scene (Both sides) :
    • After clear twin crush at Leazas Dark Lord 1, do not forget to view in CG mode OR
    • View ??? events or La Saizel 2 times after get La Hawsel, then select La Saizel Base event.

(somebody please do this, I'm too lazy and already forgot most of it)

How to get Tiny Reach items and Achievement

First you need to capture a gal monsters whose name starts with 絶魔物. An easy way to recognize them before combat is that their HP is way higher than normal gal monsters. Once you have one 絶魔物 gal monster you need to do the 女の子モンスター脱がす Base phase quest.  This gives you an H-scene and an item card. And then you need to repeat this 5 times, getting items Tiny Reach A, B, C, D and E in order.
If you have more than one 絶魔物 gal monster you will get all their H-scenes, but only one Tiny Reach, and to activate the quest again you'll need to capture another 絶魔物 gal monster. There's a total of 10 絶魔物 gal monsters in the game.
If you clear the game after getting Tiny Reach E, you'll unlock an achievement that gives an increased chance to find higher rarity cards in treasure boxes, although in my experience the effect is noticeable weaker than the Unit Bonus with the same effect.

Treasure chest RNG manipulation

If after a battle you don't get the treasure drop you can reload and redo the battle until you get it. Of course a higher treasure drop rate helps a lot.

As for the contents of the treasure chest, at first glance it seems to be fixed, since reloading does not change the cards. But there ara ways to manipulate it.

The first (easy) method: Treasure content changes based on if you have the Unit Bonus that gives a higher chance for rare drops active or not. So, by reloading and rebattling with that bonus active or inactive you can get 2 different sets of treasure content.

The second method: Tresure content is determined at the end of the previous battle based on if you got the treasure, didn't get the treasure or didn't get the treasure but got a meal cupon. Each of these results changes the next battle's treasure chest content. In combination with the firts method you can get 6 different sets of card drops to pick from. This takes lot of time, so I don't recommend to use this method.

Some treasures have 1-3 fixed card drops than can't be manipulated in any way.

There is also a more chance to get item card at use skill from pankrau (maid from rance 01 - thief of bread).Meal cupoun may get from skill of Martina or Tillday.

For more imformation go to the part 3 section.
