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The Reincarnation Cycle, sometimes also called Cycle of Life, is the series of events that allows for what we call Life in the continent. Starting from the creation, the life itself, the death and its evaporation into nothingness.

All life starts in Ludo-Rathowm and is called a Cycle because it returns to him upon reaching its end.



Souls originate from Ludo-Rathowm. They are, literally, a portion of his body mass that is removed in the process of the Reincarnation Cycle when a new life is born in The Continent.

The raw Soul begins in a blank state and, upon birth, certain data is generated randomly, such as a Level Cap and Skill Levels, which are generated by the System created by Supreme God Planner called the Planner Scenario. Certain basic traits of one's personality are also generated, but they also develop and change wildly depending on the events that occur in the mortal's life. All of this basic information is stored in the soul.

Gods are in charge of overseeing this procedure, which mostly takes part as paper-work and it's a very laborious job.



From the moment a mortal is born, they start changing and developing in their own unique way based on the infinite amount of possibilites made possible but the countless events that take place in the individual's life, conciously and subconciously.

Over life, the Soul is filled with all sorts of information. Their personality changes, grows and evolves over time; and the soul information within the soul changes constantly. Information of all of the host's memories are also all saved in their soul.

Negative feelings pollute souls. Everyone experiences negative feelings in life so the typical Soul is polluted from 30% to 50% in one's life. Due to excess of negative emotions, humans tend to commit suicide more or less when they hit 80% pollution.



The vast majority of lifeforms in the continent are fated to die eventually. When this happens, the conciousness of the mortal dissappears and only the body remains, becoming nothing but an empty shell. Most of the time an Angel takes the Soul to Hell upon death, but in some rare cases a Devil might snatch it first to take it back to the Devil King instead. Sometimes, humans that signed contracts with Devils, or those that performed rituals of Tenshiism, will have their souls taken automatically by Devils. Having a Soul taken by a Devil is something that brings no negative consequences to the mortal in question, since conciousness dissappears and how their Soul is used afterwards doesn't affect the individual in any way.

There are rare cases in which the Souls might turn into Ghosts before being taken by an Angel or Devil. In these cases, the Ghost will eventually fade away when they are able to move on, and they will be taken to Hell just the same.

In the extremely unusual situation in which a soul reached 100% pollution, their soul can't be grasped or seen by the Gods. These cursed individuals effectively become incapable of dying as their soul can't be taken to the afterlife and the soul mass used goes to waste.



When a Soul is taken to Hell, Oni are in charge of cleaning the Soul. All the information and data gained from life must be erased and leave the Soul in the same blank state it was before the birth of the mortal. The pollution of the Soul must be cleansed as well. The more contaminated the soul, the harder the process cleaning the Soul is. Once the Soul has no raw data anymore and is perfectly clean from Pollution, it is sent back to Ludo-Rathowm's body; merging back to the Creator God's body mass. This way, Ludo-Rathowm's body is constantly losing portions of his body to generate new life, while regaining it from the process of death. It is for this reason that Souls that reached 100% pollution are such a problem, since that body mass won't be recovered. The idea of commiting suicide due to the excess of despair was engineered in order to incentivise mortals to end their life before they reach that point. It takes a very strong will to resist that instinctual drive and end in the 100% threshold.
